Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday said Prime Minister Narendra Modi turns every challenge into an opportunity, a trait which he used to successfully wade the country through the Covid-19 pandemic with the active cooperation of 130 crore Indians.
Addressing a national conclave, organised ahead of the 100th episode of the prime minister’s monthly radio programme Mann Ki Baat, Shah said many opposition parties have criticised the government for asking people to light a ‘diya’ in every home or to clap, ring bells during the pandemic but those were ways to involve people in the fight against the Covid.
“Many foreigners asked me what is the secret behind India’s success in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic. I will tell you the secret today. Modi is such a leader who turns every challenge into an opportunity. I have seen this since the Gujarat earthquake in 2001.
“In other parts of the world, the Covid was fought by the government.
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