Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote a personal letter to Indonesian President Joko Widodo to extend Eid-al Adha greetings and also said he is looking forward to visit the island nation for the G20 Summit later this year.“In his letter, The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India conveyed that through the holy festival of Ed AI Adha, two hundred million Indians of the Islamic faith celebrate the universal message of love, piety, sacrifice and forgiveness,” read the statement released by the Indian Embassy in Indonesia. “The Hon’ble Prime Minister also conveyed that he is looking forward to visit the beautiful country Indonesia later this year for the G20 Summit,” it added.PM Modi also prayed for peace, harmony and fraternity among all people in the service of the greater good of humanity.Earlier in July, the G20 Foreign Ministers’ meeting was organised by Indonesia where countries like Russia, the United States, China, Netherlands, France and many more countries participated.Notably, India will assume the presidency of the G20 in December 2022 from Indonesia.A Comprehensive Strategic Partnership was established in May 2018 during PM Modi’s visit to Indonesia. President Widodo was among one of the Chief Guests invited for India’s Republic Day celebrations in Delhi in 2018.Both leaders last met on the sidelines of the G7 Summit this year. Indonesia is the second-largest trading partner of India in the ASEAN region. The Bilateral trade of over USD 26 billion between 2020 to 2021. India and Indonesia also share cultural civilizational linkages.The 9th century Borobudur Buddhist temple and Prambanan Shiva temple are examples of shared cultural heritage.Ramayana and Mahabharata are key inspirations for Indonesian folk art. Around 8,500 Indians in Indonesia engaged in qualified professions like Chartered Accountants, Software Professionals, Teachers, and Engineers.


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