Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarks on a groundbreaking visit to Egypt this week, marking the first bilateral visit by an Indian prime minister since 1997. Modi’s two-day state visit, initiated by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, begins on June 24.
During his visit, PM Modi will explore the 11th Century Al-Hakim mosque, restored by the Dawoodi Bohra community, and honour Indian soldiers at the Heliopolis War Cemetery, who laid down their lives for Egypt in World War 1.
Modi’s itinerary includes deliberations with the India Unit, a group established by the Egyptian president to bolster ties with India, and meeting with members of the small Indian community in Egypt.
The visit reciprocates President El-Sisi’s journey to India six months ago and continues an “intense level of ministerial engagement” between the two nations, according to Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra.
The visit also promises various Memoranda of Understanding and agreements to further deepen India-Egypt relations. The foreign secretary expressed confidence that the visit would maintain momentum and foster trade and economic engagement between the two countries.