Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to visit Ayodhya on December 30 in advance of the consecration ceremony of the Ram Lalla Temple. During his visit, he will inaugurate several projects valued at Rs 15 thousand crore to Ayodhya. Along with the opening of the airport, train station, highway, and railway line doubling, numerous other projects will also be launched. Inauguration of four major roads is also planned. Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, is assessing the security arrangements in advance of the prime minister’s arrival. In addition, PM Modi will open the Ayodhya Dham Junction Railway Station, marking a critical turning point in the government’s efforts to improve connectivity and infrastructure.

The Ayodhya Dham Junction Railway Station, developed at a cost exceeding Rs 240 crore, boasts a modern three-storey building equipped with state-of-the-art facilities such as lifts, escalators, food plazas and child care rooms. Notably, the station is ‘accessible for all’ and has been certified as a green station building by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).
It is pertinent to note that the Prime Minister’s vision for Ayodhya extends beyond the railway station. At approximately 11:15 AM, he will flag off the Amrit Bharat trains, introducing a new category of superfast passenger trains in the country. The Amrit Bharat Express, an LHB push-pull train with non-air-conditioned coaches, promises an enhanced passenger experience with improved amenities including attractive seat designs, better luggage racks, mobile charging points, LED lights, CCTV and a public information system.