Prime Minister Narendra Modi will unveil the newly built terminal building at Tiruchirappalli International Airport in Tamil Nadu on Tuesday, marking his first trip to the south since the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the November assembly elections in the vital heartland states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.
Tight security has been deployed and preparations have been made to ensure his warm welcome as soon as PM Modi will reach in Trichy on Tuesday. Apart from the arrangements for the ceremonial opening, a thorough security operation has been carried out in the vicinity ahead of the Prime Minister’s arrival.
The construction of the new terminal building incurred a cost exceeding Rs 1100 crore. The recently established two-level international terminal has the capacity to accommodate over 44 lakh passengers annually and around 3,500 during peak hours, as disclosed by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in an official statement before the event.
This airport ranks as the second-largest airport in terms of international passenger traffic after Chennai in Tamil Nadu. Tiruchirappalli International Airport’s new terminal comprises 60 check-in counters, 5 Baggage Carousels, 60 Arrival Immigration Counters, and 44 departure emigration counters, according to the official statement.
The design of the terminal is inspired by the cultural richness of Tiruchirappalli, featuring art forms such as Kolam art and the colors of Srirangam Temple. Various theme artworks adorn the exterior facade and interiors, symbolizing India’s connection to the global community, as highlighted in the PMO release.
“We have executed extensive painting and mural work in the new terminal, employing a total of 100 artists. The installation of murals was completed within a span of 30 days,” shared Rajavignesh, the creative director overseeing the artwork in the terminal building.