Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a pointed jab at the Congress on Tuesday, referencing the recent Odisha cash haul case, and accused the party of plundering the nation for seven decades.

Through a post on a social media platform, PM Modi wrote, “In India, who needs ‘Money Heist’ fiction when you have the Congress Party, whose heists have been legendary for 70 years and counting!”

This statement comes in light of the ongoing investigations related to the significant cash seizures by authorities, particularly concerning individuals associated with the Congress party. PM Modi’s analogy likened the party’s alleged monetary acquisitions to the sensationalized heist plots often portrayed in fictional stories.

The Prime Minister’s comment signifies the continuous political sparring between the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the opposition Congress, reiterating the allegations of corruption and mismanagement leveled by the BJP against the Congress party’s governance during its long tenure in Indian politics.