Amid the spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said self-awareness and self-discipline are the country’s strengths in fighting against the novel variant of the Covid. Addressing the nation in the 84th episode of his monthly radio programme Mann Ki Baat on Sunday, the Prime Minister said, “Friends, we also have to keep in mind that a new variant of coronavirus has already knocked on the door. Our scientists are continuously studying this new Omicron variant. They are getting new data every day, their suggestions are being worked upon. In such a situation, self-awareness and self-discipline are the country’s strengths in fighting against this variant of coronavirus. It is this very collective strength of ours that will defeat Covid; with this very sense of responsibility, we have to enter into 2022.” The Prime Minister said India’s vaccination milestone shows the trust of every Indian in the system and scientists.
“This is the strength of the people; it is because of everyone’s effort that India could fight the biggest pandemic in 100 years. We stood by each other like a family in every difficult moment. If we compare the vaccination figures of the world today with those of India, it feels that the country has handled such an unprecedented task. Crossing the 140 million vaccine dose mark is an achievement of each and every Indian.” he added.
Among other topics, the Prime Minister spoke of the late Group Captain Varun Singh for giving the mantra of turning “ordinary into extraordinary” in a letter written to his school principal after receiving Shaurya Chakra from President Ram Nath Kovind for his act of exceptional gallantry.
The PM said, “Many people are engaged in serving ‘Maa Bharati’ and touch the heights with pride every day. They teach us a lot of things. This was the life of our Group Captain Varun Singh who died in the Tamil Nadu chopper crash.”
“When Varun was in the hospital, I saw something on social media that touched my heart. He was given Shaurya Chakra in August just this year. After this honour, he had written a letter to the principal of his school,” PM Modi said.
The Prime Minister said that the first thought that came to his mind after reading the letter was that even after reaching the pinnacle of success, Varun Singh did not forget to nurture his roots. “When he had time to celebrate, he showed concern for the generations to come. He wanted that the lives of the students of the school that he studied in should also be a celebration,” PM Modi added.
“At one place in this letter he has written, it is ok to be mediocre. Not everyone will excel at school and not everyone will be able to score in the 90s. If you do, it is an amazing achievement and must be applauded. However, if you don’t, do not think that you are meant to be mediocre. You may be mediocre in school but it is by no means a measure of things to come in life,” PM Modi stated.
The late Group Captain also said “Find your calling: it could be art, music, graphic design, literature, etc. Whatever you work towards, be dedicated, do your best. Never go to bed, thinking, I could have put in more efforts.” The Prime Minister said the mantra he has given to rise from “ordinary to extraordinary” is equally important. Varun Singh, in his letter, also encouraged students and said that “believe in yourself and work for it”.
“Varun had written that if he could inspire even a single student, it would be a lot. But today I would like to say, he has inspired the whole country. Even though his letter talks only to the students, he has given a message to our entire society,” PM Modi added.
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