Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his congratulations to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) for the successful achievement of a major milestone in India’s solar mission. As the Aditya-L1 spacecraft reached its designated destination, the Lagrange Point L1, Prime Minister Modi praised the scientists for their “extraordinary feat” and emphasized that this accomplishment is a testament to their “relentless dedication.”

In a post on social media platform ‘X’, PM Modi stated, “India creates yet another landmark. India’s first solar observatory Aditya-L1 reaches its destination. It is a testament to the relentless dedication of our scientists in realizing among the most complex and intricate space missions.” He further added, “I join the nation in applauding this extraordinary feat. We will continue to pursue new frontiers of science for the benefit of humanity.”

Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, Jitendra Singh, also celebrated the achievement, terming it a “glorious turn of the year for Bharat.” Singh highlighted the success as another testament to Team ISRO’s accomplishments under the visionary leadership of PM Modi. Aditya-L1’s arrival at its final orbit marks a crucial step in unraveling the mysteries of the Sun-Earth connection.

The Aditya-L1 solar observatory, India’s first space-based mission dedicated to studying the Sun, is expected to provide valuable insights into solar activity and contribute to a better understanding of space weather phenomena.