At Bharat Mandapam in the nation’s capital, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday began a unique week-long program for Aspirational Blocks in the nation called “Sankalp Saptaah.”

“Sankalp Saptaah” is related to how well the Aspirational Blocks Program (ABP) is carried out. The PM announced the nationwide initiative on January 7, 2023. In order to improve the quality of life for citizens, it strives to improve governance at the block level.

500 Aspirational Blocks in 329 districts throughout the nation are putting it into practice. At the village and block levels across the nation, chintan shivirs were held in order to carry out the Aspirational Blocks Programme and create a successful block development strategy. The conclusion of these chintan shivirs is the “Sankalp Saptaah.”

All 500 Aspirational Blocks will observe “Sankalp Saptaah.” Starting on October 3 and running through October 9, 2023, there will be a different development theme highlighted each day in “Sankalp Saptaah” that all Aspirational Blocks will focus on.

“Sampoorna Swasthya,” “Suposhit Pariwaar,” “Swachhta,” “Krishi,” “Shiksha,” and “Samridhi Diwas” are some of the themes during the first six days.
On Sunday, October 9, 2023, a celebration known as “Sankalp Saptaah – Samavesh Samaroh” would be held in honor of the labor completed throughout the entire week.

Around 3,000 bureaucrats and representatives of the people from panchayats and blocks across the nation will attend the inaugural program in Bharat Mandapam. Additionally, roughly two lakh people will participate electronically in the initiative, including farmers, people from different walks of life, and officials at the block and panchayat levels.