Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled projects exceeding Rs 4000 crore in Kochi, Kerala, on Wednesday. The major infrastructure initiatives included the inauguration of the New Dry Dock (NDD) at Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), the International Ship Repair Facility (ISRF) of CSL, and the LPG Import Terminal of Indian Oil Corporation Limited at Puthuvypeen, Kochi.
Expressing gratitude to the people of Kerala for the warm welcome, PM Modi, during the inauguration, remarked, “It gave me immense joy to see the happy faces when I landed in Kochi. Thank you for the grand welcome. I consider myself fortunate to have gotten a chance to offer prayers at the Guruvayur Temple in Thrissur.”
Highlighting the significance of the newly inaugurated infrastructure, PM Modi emphasized the government’s efforts to enhance the capacity of coastal cities like Kochi. He envisioned Kochi as the future shipbuilding hub of the nation, stating, “We are making efforts to increase the capacity of ports, to build and strengthen port infrastructure and to increase connectivity of ports through initiatives like the Sagarmala Pariyojana.”
As India emerges as a major center of global trade, PM Modi underscored the country’s efforts to strengthen maritime power. He celebrated the inauguration of the largest Dry Dock (NDD) and other shipbuilding, ship repairing, and LPG Import Terminal infrastructures, stating, “With these new features, the capacity of the shipyard will increase manifold. I congratulate the people of Kerala for these facilities.” This visit marks PM Modi’s second trip to Kerala in two weeks.
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