Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be present at the Rajasthan International Centre in Jaipur from January 5–7 for the three-day annual All India Conference of Director Generals and Inspector Generals of Police. The Bharatiya Janata Party office was decked up on Thursday in anticipation of PM Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s visit to the city to take part in the 58th DGP-IGP national conference. Furthermore, it is anticipated that PM Modi will make his way to the Rajasthan BJP headquarters, where he will address the leaders, party members, and leaders of the state unit.

The three-day conference will deliberate on challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security, counter-terrorism, left-wing extremism and narcotics smuggling.
“The conference, being held from January 5 to 7, will discuss a wide range of policing and internal security issues, including cybercrime, technology in policing, counter-terrorism challenges, left-wing extremism, and prison reforms, among others,” the official statement said.
Further, the Conference will also deliberate on futuristic themes in policing and security like the challenges posed by new technologies such as AI, Deepfake etc. and ways to deal with them, the Prime Minister’s Office stated.