Prime Minister Narendra Modi engaged with students as part of the upcoming 7th edition of ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ in the national capital. The interaction took place at Bharat Mandapam, where students and teachers showcased their technological innovations to the Prime Minister. The ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ event, scheduled at 11 am, gathers “exam warriors” for a dialogue aimed at creating a stress-free environment for youngsters.
Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan expressed the anticipation, stating, “Excitement and energy levels for #ParikshaPeCharcha are through the roof.” The event is part of the broader initiative, ‘Exam Warriors,’ led by Prime Minister Modi to alleviate stress related to exams.
Minister of State for Education, Subhas Sarkar, highlighted the success of the event over the past six years. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the fourth edition was conducted online, and subsequent editions were held in a town-hall format at Talkatora Stadium, New Delhi. The 7th edition recorded a remarkable 2.26 crore registrations on the MyGov portal, indicating widespread enthusiasm.
Scheduled for January 29, 2024, the event will take place at Bharat Mandapam, ITPO, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, with nearly 3000 participants interacting with the Prime Minister. Special guests include two students and a teacher from each state and union territory, along with winners of the Kala Utsav. Participants were selected through an online MCQ competition on the MyGov portal, with winners receiving a special Pariksha Pe Charcha kit.
The program, initiated by Prime Minister Modi, aims to assist students in managing exam stress and provides guidance to teachers and parents on handling the exam-related pressures effectively.
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