In a grand event in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district on Monday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the resplendent statue of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj at Rajkot Fort. This momentous occasion was followed by the Prime Minister’s active participation in the Navy Day 2023 celebrations, further graced by his inspection of the Guard of Honor at Rajkot Fort.

Navy Day, an annual commemoration observed on December 4th, witnessed an impressive display of India’s naval prowess at the iconic Sindhudurg Fort. The Indian Navy orchestrated an ‘Operational Demonstration,’ showcasing diverse naval operations involving 20 warships and 40 aircraft, including esteemed units such as MiG 29K, LCA Navy, and MARCOS.

This grand event, spearheaded by Admiral R. Hari Kumar, Chief of the Naval Staff, captured the attention of senior Center and State government officials, military dignitaries, and the local populace as they gathered at Tarkarli Beach to witness this spectacular celebration. The demonstration not only saluted India’s maritime legacy but also aimed to highlight and condemn colonial practices of the past.

The Sindhudurg Fort, built in 1660 under the Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, is a testament to India’s rich maritime history. It also provides an ideal platform for the Indian Navy to conduct operational demonstrations with its frontline assets.

The Indian Navy celebrates Navy Day on December 4th, commemorating the daring “Operation Trident,” a historic maneuver during the 1971 War in which the Navy executed a daring attack on Karachi harbor. This annual celebration honors this watershed moment in Indian naval history.