Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that over 60,000 Amrit Sarovars constructed during the “Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” have already emerged as shining landmarks and that 50,000 more are being built, underscoring the Center’s efforts and commitment to water conservation.
PM Modi made the remarks while addressing countrymen during the 103rd edition of his monthly radio broadcast, ‘Mann Ki Baat’. ‘Mission Amrit Sarovar’, launched last year, is aimed at developing and rejuvenating 75 water bodies in each district of the country as a part of the celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (75 years of the country’s independence).
“More than 60 thousand Amrit Sarovars built during the ‘Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ have emerged as dazzling landmarks, while the work on building 50,000 more is ongoing,” PM Modi said.
He also praised the people’s efforts to conserve water, saying that they showed awareness and responsibility. The tribal people of Pakaria village in Madhya Pradesh have adapted water-conservation techniques, according to Prime Minister Modi, who discussed this with them during a recent visit to Shahdol. “You might recall that I recently traveled to Shandol. I got to know some Pakaria village tribespeople. I had a nice and productive conversation with them about protecting the environment and conserving water,” PM Modi said.
“Now I have come to know that the tribal brothers and sisters of Pakaria village have already started working on this (implementing ideas to conserve water). With the help of the local administration, people have converted about a hundred wells into water recharge systems,” he said, adding that rainwater now flows into these wells and from there, percolates beneath the surface.
“This will gradually boost the groundwater level in the area. Now, all the villagers have set a target of using about 800 such wells in the entire area for recharging water,” PM Modi added.
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