Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday extended his greetings to the people on the occasion of Vijayadashami. Taking to social media platform, X, the Prime Minister said, “Best wishes to my family members across the country on Vijayadashami. This holy festival brings the message of ending negative forces as well as adopting goodness in life. Wishing you all a Happy Vijaya Dashami!” Vijayadashami, or Dussehra, is a prominent Hindu festival celebrated every year at the end of Navaratri. It is observed on the tenth day of the month of Ashvin, the seventh in the Hindu Luni-Solar Calendar. The festival typically falls in the Gregorian calendar months of September and October. The festival of Vijayadashami is celebrated almost in every part of the country and there are several tales associated with it, the most popular being the defeat of the Ravana by Lord Rama, one of the most revered God figures in India. The festival also starts the preparations for Diwali, the important festival of lights.
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