Prime Minister, Narendra Modi on Friday, February 24, said that the country and people are saying “Modi Tera Kamal Khilega,” after he criticize Congress for slogan “Modi teri kabar khudegi.”
Retorting to the opposition’ remarks, the PM Modi said that the nation will give a “befitting reply” to the people with offensive thinking and language. While addressing the election rally on Friday, the Prime Minister said, “I can see BJP all around in Meghalaya.”
“Be it hills or plains, village or town, I can see the lotus bloom. Those who have been rejected by the country, who the country is no more ready to accept, are now chanting ‘Modi teri kabar khudegi’. But the country is saying ‘Modi tera kamal khilega’,” PM added.
He furthermore went on to say that, “The people of the country will give a befitting reply to the people having such offensive thinking and language. The people of Meghalaya and Nagaland will also give a reply.”
Notably, the Congress leaders allegedly raised a slogan ‘Modi teri kabar khudegi’ after their party leader Khera was stopped from boarding a flight to Chhattisgarh’s Raipur at the national territory’s airport on Thursday.
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