The BJP’s Parliamentary Party meeting began on Tuesday with the arrival of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Every week during sessions, the entire membership of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of the BJP gathers as its Parliamentary Party. The opposition bloc’s partners, India, are also scheduled to convene later in the day in the nation’s capital, giving the Tuesday gathering even more importance.
The meeting takes place the day after 78 opposition MPs were suspended for the duration of the current “Winter Session” on Monday for causing a commotion and interfering with both Houses’ business in order to press their demand for a statement from Union Home Minister Amit Shah regarding the incident involving the breach of Parliament’s security. The 13 MPs who had been removed earlier and the suspensions made up the largest group of legislators ever removed from the Indian Parliament.
The Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Mallikarjun Kharge’s chamber, is where floor leaders of the INDIA group are scheduled to meet at 10 am the same day. BJP national president JP Nadda and Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw were among the prominent BJP leaders present at the Parliamentary Party meeting, in addition to the prime minister.
With the fracas over the Opposition’s demand for a statement from Union Minister Amit Shah regarding the incident involving the breach of Parliament security, 78 MPs in all—33 from the Lok Sabha and 45 from the Rajya Sabha—were suspended on Monday. This brings the total number of lawmakers suspended for the duration of the current Winter Session to 92.
The “misconduct” of 11 more Rajya Sabha MPs was also referred to the Privileges Committee, which has been asked to report in three months. In addition, 34 opposition Rajya Sabha MPs, including Congressmen Jairam Ramesh, KC Venugopal, and Randeep Singh Surjewala, were suspended for the balance of the “Winter Session.” Until the panel submits a report, the members will stay suspended.
Rumour has it that the members of the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance who were not suspended will probably ‘boycott’ their respective Houses. Opposition Members criticised the BJP-led Centre, calling it “autocratic,” after the suspensions on Monday.
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