Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the world is passing through challenges such as war, economic instability, terrorism, religious extremism and climate change and asserted that Lord Buddha’s ideas offer a solution to these problems.
Addressing the inaugural session of the Global Buddhist Summit here, PM Modi took a swipe at rich countries, saying the world is facing a climate change crisis now because in the last century, “some countries stopped thinking about others and the coming generations”.
“For decades they kept thinking that meddling with nature will not impact them. They kept putting it on others,” he said.
Emphasising that the path shown by Lord Buddha is the “path of the future and sustainability,” the prime minister also said that “If the world had followed His teachings, it would not have faced the climate change crisis.”
In his address, Modi quoted ancient texts on Lord Buddha’s teachings and said the need of the hour is that people and nations prioritise global interests along with that of their own by drawing inspiration from the Buddha’s philosophy.