On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled over Rs 4,000 crore in projects in Uttarakhand and declared that India is reaching new heights of success. Speaking to a crowd in this location, the Prime Minister noted that the Tricolor is flying high in every sphere and cited the accomplishments of the Chandrayaan Mission and India’s record-breaking performance at the Asian Games in terms of medals won. “I believe that this will be Uttarakhand’s decade. Our government is working toward new development opportunities for Uttarakhand. Today, the foundation stones for several construction projects totaling more than Rs 4,000 crore were laid, according to him.
“Today our tricolour is flying higher and higher in every area. Our Chandrayaan-3 has reached where no country in the world has been able to reach. India has named the place where Chandrayaan landed ‘Shiva-Shakti’… Today the world is seeing India’s strength not only in space but also in sports. In the recently held Asian Games, India has broken all the records. For the first time, Indian players have made a record of winning more than 100 medals,” he added.
He also referred to Parliament passing ‘Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam’ which provides 33 per cent reservation to women in Lok Sabha and assembly seats.
“Recently a historic decision was made to give 33 per cent reservation to women. The work that was on hold for years. Due to the blessings of all, your son has been able to do it…Today, India is achieving new heights of success and development,” the Prime Minister said.
PM Modi met with members of the Army, the Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and the Border Roads Organization (BRO) earlier in the day while performing pooja at Parvati Kund in Pithoragarh. Additionally, he prayed at the Jageshwar Dham temple in the Almora neighborhood. The Jageshwar Dham is made up of about 224 stone temples and is situated at a height of about 6200 feet. 76 rural roads and 25 bridges constructed in rural areas under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana are among the projects that the Prime Minister inaugurated and dedicated to the nation.
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