Through a video conference on Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Bangladeshi counterpart Sheikh Hasina jointly launched three development projects with Indian assistance. The Akhaura-Agartala Cross-Border Rail Link, the Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Line, and Unit II of the Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant in Rampal, Bangladesh are the three projects in question. The launch of projects in the rail and power sectors between Bangladesh and India highlighted the two nations’ growing partnership and ties.
“The joint inauguration of these important projects manifests the firm friendship and collaboration between our two friendly countries. I would like to thank PM Modi for the warm hospitality during my visit in September 2023 to attend the G20 Summit,” the Bangladesh Prime Minister said
“I express my gratitude for your commitment to strengthening the bonds of friendship between our two countries, Sheikh Hasina said.
The Akhaura-Agartala Cross-Border Rail Link project has been executed under a Government of India grant assistance of Rs 392.52 crore extended to Bangladesh. The length of the rail link is 12.24 km with a 6.78 km Dual Gauge rail line in Bangladesh and 5.46 km in Tripura.
With a total project cost of USD 388.92 million, the Khulna-Mongla Port Rail Line Project is being carried out under the Government of India’s concessional Line of Credit. The project calls for building a broad gauge rail line spanning about 65 km from Mongla Port to Khulna’s current rail system. This allows Mongla, Bangladesh’s second-biggest port, to be connected to the broad-gauge railway system. The Maitree Super Thermal Power Project, a 1320 MW super thermal power plant in Rampal, Khulna Division, Bangladesh, is funded by a 1.6 billion US dollar loan under the Indian Concessional Financing Scheme. NTPC Ltd. of India and the Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company Limited, a 50:50 joint venture, are the project’s implementers.
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