In the run to the Lok Sabha polls scheduled on May 25 in the sixth phase in Haryana, the saffron BJP is leaving no stone unturned to mark consecutive victory on all 10 parliamentary seats. In a bid to strengthen its position ahead of polls, the party candidates have demanded the conduct of the maximum rallies of the BJP heavyweights, especially Prime Minister Narendera Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath, in Haryana. In this row, it came to the fore that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also have at least three to four rallies to woo voters, although the date and venue have not been decided yet.

Similarly, rallies of the Union Home Minister Amil Shah will be conducted in the state in a bid to galvanise the voters ahead of polls and he will address rallies in Gurugram and Karnal and Rohtak Lok Sabha on 16th and 17th May respectively. In continuation to aforesaid, divulging more details while addressing a press conference at the party office Panchkamal in Panchkula on Sunday, Haryana Lok Sabha Election Management Committee convenor and Rajya Sabha MP Subhash Barala said that BJP’s election campaign is gradually moving towards its peak. To give more momentum to the campaign, three rallies of Union Home Minister Amit Shah have been scheduled.

The Chief Ministers of Uttarakhand and Rajasthan namely Pushkar Singh Dhami and Bhajan Lal respectively will also hold public meetings in Haryana. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will also hold three to four rallies in Haryana but the party still remains undecided in terms of finalisation of date and venue. Further he informed that Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal will address public meetings in Assandh on 13th May and Julana of Sonipat and Bahadurgarh of Rohtak Lok Sabha on 14th May respectively. Likewise, apart from Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, several BJP bigshots will reach Haryana to address public meetings.

Further talking about the assembly polls due in the month of October in Haryana, Brala said that our candidates are continuously marking their presence in the field. Chief Minister Nayab Saini, former CM Manohar Lal and all the party leaders, workers, MPs, ministers and MLAs and candidates are in the fray and Vijay Sankalp rallies have been held in more than 82 assemblies so far. Sharing details about ‘’Har Booth, Har Ghar Sampark’’ campaign which was initiated on May 11 and 12, he said that this campaign has been run at 19 thousand 800 booths of the state. The booth contact campaign has received support and blessings from the common people. Barala claimed that it is certain that lotus will bloom on 10 out of 10 Lok Sabha seats in Haryana. Prior to this, Barala expressed deep grief over the demise of Jind reporters Paramjeet Singh and Sanjay Sharma personally and on the behalf of the party. On this occasion, along with Barala, State Media Co-Chief Naveen Garg and Lok Sabha Election Co-Chief Praveen Atre were also present.