Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday hailed the “first budget of Amrit Kaal” and said that it would lay a strong foundation for building a developed India. The Prime Minister said that the budget gives priority to the deprived and will fulfill the dreams of the aspirational society, the farmers and middle class.
“The first budget of Amrit Kaal will build a strong foundation for building a developed India. It gives priority to the deprived. This budget will fulfil the dreams of an aspirational society including poor people, middle-class people, and farmers. I congratulate Nirmala Sitharaman and his team for this historic budget,” PM Modi said in a televised address.
Noting that PM Vishvakarma Kaushal Samman will bring a huge change in the lives of ‘Vishvakarmas’, the Prime Minister said that for the first time schemes relating to their support has been incorporated into the budget. “Those toiling traditionally through their hands for the country, ‘Vishvakarmas’ are the creators of this country.
For the first time scheme related to training and support for ‘Vishvakarma’ has been brought into the budget. Preparations have been made for their training, technology, credit and market support. PM Vishvakarma Kaushal Samman means PM Vikas will bring about a huge change in the lives of crores of Vishwakarma,” the Prime Minister said. Prime Minister Modi underlined the government’s efforts to enhance the lives of women.
“The government has taken several steps to make the lives of women, in rural and urban areas, easy. Women’s self-help groups will further enhance them. Special savings scheme will be started empowering women in households,” the PM said.
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