RJD leader Manoj Jha hit out at Prashant Kishor on Monday over his remark that “nothing has changed” in Bihar since 1990, saying the political strategist was raising unimportant issues but silent on pressing issues like granting special status to Bihar.
Jha said that he thought Kishor would raise the issue of the central government’s repeated denials to give special status to Bihar. “Instead, he is appearing to raise issues that are not important and silent on those he should speak on.” “I don’t need to understand rocket science to understand Prashant Kishor’s script,” he added.
Kishor, who launched his state-wide padyatra from West Champaran district on Sunday, attacked all political parties that have ruled Bihar, saying the state has not changed since 1990. He said people here are bound to migrate to other states in search of employment.
“When Jharkhand was separated, what did Bihar get after that? The foundation of our industry was strong because of Jharkhand,” Jha added.