Satyama Dubey, Vishal Thakre and Rudra Pratap Yadav have filed a petition before the Supreme Court seeking a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or a Special Investigation Team (SIT) monitored probe by a sitting or retired Supreme Court or High Court judge in the gruesome gangrape and murder of a 19-year-old woman in Uttar Pradesh›s Hathras district. 

The petitioners also sought the trial in the case to be transferred out of Uttar Pradesh to Delhi and for a direction from the court to ensure a speedy trial. Grave injustice has been done to the victim and the system is silent on the issue, the plea said.

 The petitioners have raised questions about the role played by police in the horrific case and alleged that the cops failed to perform their duties and instead tried to shield the accused persons for reasons best known to them.