Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Varun Dhawan made their way to the Citadel premiere in London. The series stars Priyanka Chopra and Richard Madden. For the special evening, the gorgeous Samantha chose a black ensemble from the house of Victoria Beckham. The actress was seen looking drop-dead gorgeous in a black crop top and a matching ankle-length skirt. On the other hand, the actor twinned with her in a black tee, jacket, and matching pants. On the carpet, the gorgeous Samantha appeared to be blushing as the actor held her close, and they posed for photographers.
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When in India, at the press conference of Citadel earlier this month, PeeCee was asked if she offered any advice to ‘Yashoda’ actress Samantha and Varun. Replying to this, PeeCee said, “I don’t think I can give them any advice. They’re such accomplished actors in their own ways. There’s nothing I can say. I met Varun recently at the NMACC event and he was telling me how the shoot is going, how excited he is. Some really cool threads connect the other installments with our installment, so we were talking about those.” Meanwhile, Citadel is ready to release on Amazon Prime Video on April 28.
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