Actor Kriti Sanon has dropped pictures with her sister Nupur Sanon giving major sibling goals. Kriti took to her Instagram stories on Tuesday to post a string of pictures from their recent outings. She captioned the first picture, “And our trip begins!! @kritisanon. #Punjabans.”
Kriti can be seen in an olive green hoodie, while Nupur is dressed in a white top. In the second picture, Kriti posted her solo picture in which she was showing her back to the camera. She captioned the post, “Vacay-Unplug-Reboot.”
Recently, Kriti started her own production company named ‘Blue Butterfly Films.’
Meanwhile, Kriti will next be seen in Vikas Bahl’s ‘Ganpath -Part 1’. ‘The Crew’ starring next to Kareena Kapoor, Tabu. She also has an untitled project with Shahid Kapoor in the line. She was recently seen in the pan-India film ‘Adipurush’ opposite actor Prabhas. Nupur, on the other hand, was last seen in a comical series, ‘Pop Kaun’. She will also be seen in the film ‘Noorani Chehra’. It is a romantic comedy, directed by Navaniat Singh. Neeta Shah, Aarushi Malhotra, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Nandini Sharma, and Bharatkumar Shah have backed the project. Nawazuddin Siddiqui is also a part of the film. The team wrapped up the film in April this last year.
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