Horticulture Wing of the Engineering Department at PGIMER, Chandigarh, has achieved remarkable success by securing 50 prizes across various categories at the All India Winter Rose Show 2023. The prestigious event took place at the India-Africa Friendship Rose Garden, Shanti Path, Satya Marg, Chankyapuri, New Delhi.

Organized in collaboration with the Rose Society of India, the two-day floral extravaganza showcased the beauty of roses and witnessed enthusiastic participation from over 200 individuals and institutions nationwide. In this highly competitive event, PGIMER emerged victorious with a total of 50 prizes, including 17 First Prizes, 25 Second Prizes, and 8 Third Prizes.

The awards were received by Sh. Tajinder Singh, Assistant Engineer, Horticulture, and his team on behalf of the Director of PGIMER. Sh. Kuldeep Saddy, President of the Rose Society of India, presented the honors, recognizing the outstanding achievements of the Horticulture Wing at PGIMER Chandigarh.