Taking note of the recent expulsions done by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Chief Minister of Rajasthan, Ashok Gehlot, said that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led party has “changed too.”
He also highlighted the number of MLAs who “rebelled” in various states. “At least 33 MLAs in Gujarat and 21 in Himachal have rebelled. PM Modi’s party is not the same as it was; it has changed too; people have started speaking up,” said Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot while addressing a media briefing. His remarks came after the BJP recently suspended twelve rebels in disciplinary action, who had filed their nominations as independent candidates after being denied tickets by the ruling party in the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections. All twelve rebels were seeking tickets for the Assembly election. This is the second list of rebels who have been suspended in Gujarat after the party suspended seven rebels on Sunday.
Earlier on 21 November, CM Gehlot exuded confidence in the party doing well in the upcoming Gujarat Assembly polls and stated that the people are “agitated” with the BJP.
Speaking to ANI, Gehlot said, “Congress will do well in these elections because the mood of the public is against the BJP for mismanaging COVID and the economy. Our party is looking at winning 125 seats, and we are well on course to do that.
The opposition to the BJP government this time wasn’t there the last time. People are agitated. The entire country saw the mismanagement during COVID, especially in the state, which was strong even before independence.”
Voting for the two-phased Gujarat Assembly elections has been slated for December 1 and 5. The counting of votes will take place on 8 December.