The Bhajan Lal government has issued orders to close the Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitra Yojana, which started during the Ashok Gehlot tenure, starting 31 December. The decision to close the Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitra Yojana by the BJP government has been criticised by the Congress party. After former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, now the Chief of PCC, Govind Singh Dotasra, has launched a scathing attack on the BJP government. Dotasra also alleged that Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma is not making decisions at his own discretion but is being guided from Delhi.
In a press conference held in Jaipur on Tuesday, PCC Chief Govind Singh Dotasra said, “Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma is not making decisions at his own discretion but is being guided from Delhi. I would like to tell him that the Chief Minister is the Chief Minister. The people of Rajasthan have given a mandate to the BJP, and you have been made the Chief Minister by the high command. Do not behave like this with the unemployed and do not snatch away their livelihood.”
Dotasra said, “The BJP government of Rajasthan has ended the internship program of Rajiv Gandhi Yuva Mitra Yojana and given the gift of unemployment to thousands of youths before the new year. If the political bias of the BJP was only in the name, they could have changed the name.
The PCC chief said, “The CM had given a statement yesterday that the old schemes would not be closed, but shortly after the statement, the Rajiv Gandhi Internship Scheme was closed. You received a decree from Delhi, and after that, you closed the scheme. You could have changed its name, to Atal Bihari Vajpayee or Deendayal, but why did you shut down the scheme?”
Dotasra also targeted the BJP for the delay in the cabinet formation and said that even after 25 days, the cabinet has not been formed. He added, “There are no officers in the CMO, and all bureaucrats are sitting with their hands on their hands. They are making their own lobbying to get good posts. Some are running around in Delhi, while others are going to some leader. Not only that, some are contacting the Chief Minister, in such a situation, who will run the government? Even after 25 days, this is beyond understanding. The people of Rajasthan are feeling cheated.”
Taunting the delay in the formation of the cabinet, Dotasra said, “Why the cabinet is not being formed in Rajasthan? After all, who has put a stick on Angad and stopped it, this is beyond understanding. The Chief Minister says that the cabinet will be formed soon. But, what does soon mean? The CM should clarify this. Because now such discussions have started that perhaps the BJP while experimenting anew, may not form the cabinet in Rajasthan and continue to work with Bhajan Lal. This doubt needs to be clarified.”
BJP govt should clarify its stance on OPS: Ashok Gehlot
Meanwhile, former Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot once again raised questions about the government’s plans initiated during the Congress rule in Rajasthan.
He shared a post on social media and stated that after the change of government in the state, clouds of concerns have now loomed over the Old Pension Scheme.
He wrote on social media, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said during the election campaign in Rajasthan that if the BJP government is formed, no plan of the Congress government in the state will be discontinued. However, decisions taken by the state government in recent days have raised concerns among state government employees about the Old Pension Scheme. There are also concerns among central government employees about the new pension scheme.”
He said that the Prime Minister and the BJP government of the state should clarify their stance on OPS. He said that the central government and the governments of other states should make decisions that are in line with the sentiments of the employees.