Passengers in Kerala’s Ernakulam, who were enraged by the alleged excessive delays in train services, protested Indian Railways, alleging that the Vande Bharat Express trains were to blame for the delays. The passengers held posters with slogans written on them and covered their faces with black cloth as a sign of protest. Additionally, commuters congregated at the station and called for an alteration to the Vande Bharat train schedule.

Speaking on the matter, Communist Party of India (Marxist) MP A M Ariff said, “It is causing inconvenience to the passengers. I have already submitted so many requests and complaints to the railway authorities. They are saying that they are verifying the complaint.”
“Next time, I am going to meet the Minister and Railway Board Chairman on the matter. The main issue is that the time scheduled is changed for running the Vande Bharat Express train,” Ariff added.