On Sunday, before the grand Pran Pratishtha ceremony at Ayodhya’s Ram Temple on January 22, Ram bhajan was heard being sung by passengers on a flight from Delhi to Ayodhya. Around noon, scenes of devotion filled the air on an IndiGo flight from Delhi to Ayodhya as passengers sang and danced to the sounds of Ram bhajans. On Monday, January 22, there will be a ‘Pran Pratishtha’ of Shri Ram Lalla at the temple in Ayodhya. The historic event in the holy city of Ayodhya is anticipated to draw thousands of devotees from throughout the nation. People from all walks of life and dignitaries will be present on this historic day.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over the event, thousands including politicians, saints, and celebrities, have been invited to the ceremony.
The temple trust has also invited around 4,000 saints of all sects for the ceremony.
The ceremonial journey leading up to the Pran Pratishtha commenced on January 16, 2024, Tuesday.
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