A complaint has been made against an off-duty Air India (AI) Express pilot by the crew of a Kozhikode-Delhi aircraft after the pilot objected to economy class passengers using the business class toilet owing to a medical emergency on Sunday.

“A fellow passenger was unwell, his pulse and BP [blood pressure] dropped after which help was sought from doctors on board. The sick passenger was revived and after around 10 minutes, when his condition improved, the doctors took him from his seat and made him lie down in the aisle, blocking several rows near a washroom,” said Pawan Kumar, a passenger.

The staff then permitted passengers in economy class to use the business class toilet. The pilot, however, objected and rants for fifteen minutes. Regarding the actions taken against the pilot, AI refuses to comment.

According to Kumar, people were forced to use the business class toilet due to a blockage in the economy class toilet.

Jitender Bhargava, a former AI executive director, said economy class passengers are not allowed to use the washrooms in business class. “…the reason [for this is] that a business class passenger pays a higher fare.” He added the rule is not applicable under extraordinary situations.