Delhi Police declared on Thursday that there was a “well-planned conspiracy” behind the incident, despite opposition members raising a ruckus in both Houses of Parliament on Wednesday over the significant security breach. The four accused in the security breach case were placed on 15 days of remand by the Patiala House Court, but only seven days were granted to the Special Cell. This was in response to a motion made by Delhi Police. A “attack on the Parliament of India,” according to Delhi Police, who described the security breach as the result of a “well-planned conspiracy.”

The four accused persons — Neelam, Amol, Sagar Sharma and Manoranjan — were produced before the Patiala House Court while Delhi Police filed a remand plea.
Sharing details of the incident, in which two unidentified men jumped into the Lok Sabha during the Zero Hour from the visitors’ gallery and set off smoke cans that they hid in their shoes, Delhi Police stated in an official release, “All accused yesterday entered the Parliament using visitor passes and jumped from the gallery, which resulted in the hindrance during the Parliament proceedings.”
“They used smoke canisters which they carried into the parliament veiled in their shoes,” the police added.

The police attorney made the following submission during the trial: “The accused brought a leaflet listing Prime Minister Narendra Modi as missing and promising a cash reward from the Swiss bank to anyone who finds him. The accused presented the Prime Minister as a declared criminal. According to the police plea, the accused must be brought to Lucknow, Mumbai, and Mysore for questioning while in custody. As we require their custodial interrogation, Delhi Police said in its plea that “we need them to take to Lucknow, Mumbai, and Mysore.”