Congress workers will stage protest against BJP MP Pratap Simha in Mysore and Bengaluru. The opposition is questioning Simha over claims that he gave Parliament passes to people who used smoke canisters to incite panic in the Lok Sabha. Jairam Ramesh, the general secretary in charge of communications for the Congress, claimed that the BJP was attempting to deflect attention from the fact that BJP MP Pratap Simha had granted the intruders access to the Parliament.

In a post on X Jairam Ramesh said, “BJP IT Cell desperately wants to divert attention from 2 facts. There was a very serious breach in the security of Parliament. The intruders who breached Lok Sabha security in a shocking manner had been given access to the Parliament by Pratap Simha, BJP MP from Mysuru.”

Earlier, in response to the Wednesday security breach in the Lower House of Parliament, Congressmen staged a protest in front of the office of BJP MP Pratap Simha in Mysuru, Karnataka. Police later arrested the demonstrators. The opposition had earlier claimed that the Mysuru-Kodagu MP had given passes to the two people who had breached security in the Lok Sabha earlier today, and they had demanded that the MP be removed from the House.

UBT Sena MP Priyanka Chaturvedi said the BJP was trying to blame the opposition insted of addressing a serious issue.
“Such arrogance and silly assertions. Instead of looking at the problem as a serious security breach there is an attempt to somehow dump the blame on the opposition. – Didn’t know opposition was responsible for parliament security – Didn’t know that Pratap Simha had anything to do with opposition – Didn’t know this new parliament was designed by the opposition benches” the UBT Sena MP said.