CHANDIGARH: Five times Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal on Thursday asked the government and the Punjab Vidhan Sabha speaker to divert his pension towards some social work. “Preferably to help some needy girl students in their education, as girls’ education has always remained very close to my heart,” said Badal who has mentored thousands of “daughters” by personally ensuring their entire education.”They have a right over me as they have always enriched my life with warmth which only daughters can offer. Their affection has lent me strength even in the most challenging moments of my life,” said Badal in a statement here after making a request on the subject. Badal said that he had never drawn any pension all his life as he had remained an active legislator from the start. The former CM dismissed as ”amusing” some propaganda that he had availed of crores worth of pension In the past by virtue of being an 11-time legislator.”
Badal also requested the Speaker to inform him of the necessary formalities in this regard, if any , beyond his written request so that he could fulfill those at the earliest.