MUMBAI: Parineeti Chopra, conducted an ‘Ask Me Anything’ session on Instagram recently. And one of her fans asked her question about her Bollywood journey. When a fan asked Parineeti to say something about her lady crush Anushka Sharma, she revealed, “I went from handling her interviews for Band Baaja Baarat to becoming her co-star in Ladies vs Ricky Bahl within 3 months. So cool na? Have always looked up to her since that time @anushkasharma.” Anushka reposted Parineeti’s answer on her Instagram Stories and wrote, “Big hugs”.For the unversed, Parineeti used to work for Yash Raj Films before she got her big break as an actor in the industry. During ‘Band Baaja Baarat’, she used to handle the star cast’s interviews and PR. Then Parineeti made her acting debut with ‘Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl’, which also starred Ranveer Singh, Dipannita Sharma, and Aditi Sharma. In the movie, Ranveer played a con artist who duped three women of their money under the pretense of being in love with them.
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