The gorgeous Parineeti Chopra recently stepped out in an iconic Manish Malhotra saree, to inaugurate Trityaa Jewellery’s store. The talented actress styled her saree with a stellar blouse. She opted for a black blouse with high neckline and full-length sleeves. The ultimate highlight of her outfit was the multi-colored embellished traditional details on her sleeves, with gold bead droplets on the sleeves’ ends. She completed her outfit with matching heels. As for her accessories, the talented actress made a bold statement with a stunning gold choker-style necklace.
Take a look at breathtaking pictures of Parineeti Chopra
Further, Parineeti added, “For me, real feelings are what matter, not crazy gestures. I always wanted a person who would be downright real with me.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, Parineeti will next be seen in Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila, co-starring Diljit Dosanjh. The actress will also be seen in the survival thriller film The Great Indian Rescue, which will release in theatres on October 5, 2023. The film also stars Akshay Kumar, Rajesh Sharma, Suniel Shetty, Ravi Kishan.
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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