The gorgeous couple Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha have finally arrived in Udaipur. Visuals of the couple getting a grand welcome on their arrival have surfaced. The actress looked gorgeous in a bright red jumpsuit, and she was seen wearing a beige shawl around her. On the other hand, Raghav Chadha wore a black full-sleeved t-shirt with denim jeans.

Check out the viral video below

Raghav and Parineeti’s pre wedding rituals are scheduled for September 23, while the gorgeous couple will tie the knot on September 24. The wedding festivities will be held at The Leela Palace and The Taj Lake Palace. The wedding festivities will begin tomorrow with the actress’s Choora ceremony. Meanwhile, on September 24, Raghav Chadha’s Sehrabandi will take place at the Taj Lake Palace, followed by Baraat procession, which is expected to commence at 2 p.m.

Earlier, the duo hosted Sufi night for their close friends and family members. Parineeti Chopra’s cousin Priyanka gave it a miss but the actor’s mother Madhu Chopra and brother Siddharth marked their presence at the special function organised at Raghav’s residence in the national capital.

This is a developing copy.