In a significant development in the DB Stock Consultancy scam, Guwahati Police have arrested the parents of the absconding prime accused, Deepankar Barman, along with his financial planner. The scam, which surfaced in August, revolves around unregulated deposits defrauding investors of large sums. Deepankar Barman, who remains on the run, was allegedly behind a massive multi-crore trading scam. His parents, Chabin Barman and Deepali Talukdar, were arrested after police found incriminating documents at their residence. These documents revealed that funds from the unregulated deposits were used to acquire properties and financial assets under their names.
Alongside his parents, Mukesh Agarwal, the chartered accountant and financial planner for DB Stock Consultancy, was also arrested. Agarwal played a crucial role in managing the company’s finances, including bookkeeping and audits. The investigation has now expanded to tracing the flow of funds from these illegal deposits, with specialized central agencies assisting in uncovering the full extent of the fraud. Notices have been issued to other family members for questioning, and over 65 individuals connected to the scam have already been arrested as part of a larger crackdown on illegal trading activities across Assam.
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The scam has drawn wider attention, with multiple cases being transferred to the CBI for further investigation. This has become one of the most prominent financial scandals in Assam, with authorities working diligently to ensure justice for the defrauded investors.
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