Following the BJP’s announcement of Pankaja Munde as its candidate for the Beed seat in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls, the party’s national secretary expressed her commitment to ensuring her sister, Pritam Munde Khade, retains her political footing. Pankaja Munde, addressing reporters a day after her nomination, underscored her dedication to preventing her sister’s political displacement. She also expressed confidence in securing victory in the Lok Sabha polls, with support from her cousin Dhananjay Munde, affiliated with the NCP’s Ajit Pawar faction.
“I’ve waited patiently for five years for this opportunity. Rest assured, Pritam’s position will not be jeopardized for long,” Pankaja assured, with Pritam by her side during the media interaction. Reflecting on their collaborative efforts, Pankaja emphasized their united front in serving their constituency. “Pritam and I have always functioned as a cohesive team. While I focused on Maharashtra, she dedicated her efforts to the district,” she remarked.
Anticipating a smooth electoral path in Beed, Pankaja highlighted the BJP-NCP (Ajit Pawar faction) alliance, emphasizing Dhananjay Munde’s alignment with their cause. “We perceive no significant opposition in Beed. With our pre-poll alliance and Dhananjay Munde’s support, victory in Beed is imminent,” she declared confidently.
Pankaja’s journey in politics has been marked by highs and lows. Despite her earlier discontent over the lack of significant roles within the party in Maharashtra, she remains steadfast in her commitment to public service. Her recent appointment as national secretary co-incharge of Madhya Pradesh underscores the party’s recognition of her capabilities.
In the face of challenges, Pankaja remains resolute. “I do not seek positions for personal gain. My politics is dedicated to serving the people,” she affirmed. Undeterred by setbacks, she pledged to continue her fight for her constituents’ rights, signaling her determination to remain in the political arena until 2024 and beyond.
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