Kunjan Bansal, a student residing in Sector-15, Panchkula, has brought laurels to the entire country, especially Haryana, by securing the top position in the national-level prestigious Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE) 2023-24 conducted by the Unified Council. The NSTSE is a diagnostic test that assesses how well a student has understood math and science concepts. Conducted by the Unified Council, a leading organization in the field of Olympiad examinations, the purpose of the examination is to enhance the overall learning ability and academic performance of students by providing them with detailed feedback and analysis.
More than ten thousand children from different districts of Haryana participated in this examination. Kunjan Bansal, a resident of Sector-15, is a student of class 12 in the non-medical faculty of Government Model Senior Secondary School, Manimajra. In recognition of this achievement, Kunjan Bansal has been honored with a citation and a gold medal.
Kunjan attributes her success to her hard work, dedication, and passion for learning. She mentions her longstanding interest in science and mathematics, enjoying the challenge of solving complex problems. She extends her gratitude to her parents, teachers, and friends for their constant support and guidance.
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