A special campaign has been launched against drivers using black film on vehicles in the district. Under this initiative, traffic police will tighten enforcement against vehicles with black film. Additionally, police will take action against individuals bursting crackers while riding Bullet motorcycles.

Deputy Commissioner of Police Mukesh Malhotra announced that a statewide campaign will run from April 1 to April 7 targeting vehicles with black film. Twenty special checkpoints have been established in the district for this purpose. Offenders will face strict penalties under the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, including a fine of Rs 10,000.

DCP Malhotra emphasized that Panchkula Police is intensifying efforts against black film usage on vehicles. Under the guidance of the Director General of Police, strict enforcement measures will be taken. Traffic police, station managers, and outpost in-charges have been instructed to take immediate action against drivers violating the black film ban.

DCP Mukesh Malhotra urged the public to comply with traffic regulations and not disregard them. Violators will be fined accordingly. Additionally, he encouraged citizens to report instances of illegal activities such as bursting crackers or using black film by contacting 112 or the Traffic Police Panchkula WhatsApp number: 7087084433.