Preparations for the upcoming fifth Chitra Bharati Film Festival, scheduled to take place from February 23 to 25 in Panchkula, are in their final stages. The organizing committee, alongside various heads responsible for arrangements, convened a meeting with volunteers at Samarpan Bhawan, the office of Bharatiya Chitra Sadhna in Sector 2.
Following the meeting, officials and system heads from Bharatiya Chitra Sadhana conducted an inspection of the festival venue. Surendra Yadav, Secretary of the Organizing Committee, shared that the meeting encompassed discussions on arrangements for the mega event, and a rehearsal involving arrangement heads was also conducted, accompanied by the issuance of necessary guidelines.
Yadav highlighted that this festival would be the first of its kind at an all-India level in Haryana, boasting the participation of prominent figures from the Indian cinema world. Chief Minister Manohar Lal is slated to inaugurate the program, with Union Minister Anurag Thakur serving as the chief guest at the closing and award ceremony.
Several dignitaries from politics and various fields are expected to grace the three-day film festival. To ensure the smooth execution of the event, discussions in the meeting covered aspects such as guest accommodation, office arrangements, hospital facilities, traffic management, security measures, media coordination, social media engagement, contacts with educational institutions, master class arrangements, and stage logistics, in addition to the setup of the media center.
Yadav noted that over 300 volunteers would contribute their services during the program, emphasizing that every detail had been thoroughly addressed to ensure the event’s success. Adequate arrangements, including parking facilities, have been established at the Red Bishop Complex of Haryana Tourism Department in Panchkula to minimise inconvenience for guests, participants, and registered attendees.
During the festival, four special auditoriums will screen 133 films made in 25 languages from 19 states. A total of 29 award categories, with prizes totaling Rs 10 lakh, will be presented to selected films. The grand award show, featuring the distribution of these awards, will be held at the Indradhanush Auditorium in Panchkula as part of the festival’s closing ceremon.
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