The Chief Minister, Manohar Lal, while interacting with the people during the Jan Samvad programme at Kurukshetra’s Barna village, said that the sarpanchs must hold meetings of the Gram Sabha once every three months. “The development works whose proposals will be passed and sent by the Gram Panchayats will be completed under any circumstances,” he said.
Meanwhile, on the demand of the sarpanchs, the Chief Minister directed the Deputy Commissioner to renovate the village secretariat of Barna village. Manohar Lal said that the Jan Samvad programme is the best medium to take feedback from the public and inquire whether the benefits of the policies and schemes of the government are delivered efficiently on the ground. He said that the state government has brought about many radical changes in the system by implementing various public welfare schemes.
The Chief Minister said that Rs 2.56 crore was given for development works in Barna village, under which roads, various chaupals, the construction of Ambedkar Bhawan, and other development works have been done. He said that now jobs are being given on the basis of merit in the state. In Barna village, 125 government jobs have been given, out of which 52 are from the central and state governments, while 73 are from Haryana Kaushal Rozgar Nigam.
He said that in the three Antyodaya Utthan Melas organised in Kurukshetra district in the past, loans have been provided to more than 2,500 people from families whose annual income was less than Rs 1.80 lakh for self-employment. Manohar Lal said that today the subsidy for crops is being sent directly to the accounts of the farmers, and they no longer have to make rounds with the middlemen.
“This is the reason why people are trusting the government. The state government has motivated the farmers to give up the paddy crop, and the farmers are being given an incentive at the rate of Rs 7,000 per acre for sowing other less water-intensive crops in place of paddy. As a result, 20 farmers in the village have benefited from this scheme,
” he added.