Opposition party leaders are actively seeking to join the BJP in anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. On Friday, over 100 leaders, including two-time MLA from Radaur and Aam Aadmi Party state vice president Bantaram Balmiki, affiliated with Congress, INLD, JJP, formally joined the BJP in Panchkula.  The induction ceremony took place in the presence of Chief Minister Manohar Lal and State President Nayab Singh Saini.

The induction took place at the party office Panchkamal, where Chief Minister Manohar Lal and State President Naib Saini welcomed and officially admitted the new members into the party by presenting them with BJP›s insignia.

Addressing the gathering, Chief Minister Manohar Lal highlighted the party›s principles of prioritizing the nation, followed by the party and its workers. He expressed confidence that the new members would contribute to the country›s development following these principles.

The Chief Minister criticised the opposition, stating that those advocating closing the portal would be rejected by the public. State President Nayab Singh Saini emphasized the party›s ideology and welcomed those who resonate with it.

He asserted that BJP, as a party of workers, continues to win elections based on its principles. Saini accused the Congress of attempting to mislead the public with false information, citing the achievements of the Modi-Manohar government. The new members were urged to actively contribute to their respective domains.

The Chief Minister also lauded the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, highlighting India›s progress on various fronts under his guidance. He noted that India, once lagging in several aspects, has now emerged as the world›s fifth-largest economic system.

The Chief Minister praised the transformative initiatives of the Modi government, emphasizing its focus on the welfare of the poor. He ridiculed the opposition›s criticism of the government as a «portal government» and suggested that such rhetoric would lead to their political demise. The State President encouraged the new members to work diligently and emphasized the positive impact of the Modi-Manohar government›s initiatives on the public.