Khelo India Youth Games 2021 will be organised in the Haryana from June 4 to June 13, 2022. These games will be held in Shahbad, Ambala, Chandigarh and Delhi apart from Panchkula. Around 8 ,500 players will participate in these games. The Chief Minister Manohar Lal shared detailed information regarding the event with the Union Sports Minister, Anurag Thakur through video conference during the meeting of Organizing and Co-ordination Committee of Khelo India Youth Games 2021 today. On May 8, a mascot and logo of Khelo India Youth Games would be launched at Indradhanush Auditorium in Panchkula. For this, extensive preparations have been made. Besides, 2-3 multipurpose halls, synthetic track, athletic track have been constructed for sports. The work of auditorium in Badminton Hall, Government Women’s College, Sector 14, Panchkula has also been completed. He said that the construction work of Hockey Stadium Panchkula and Shahbad has also been almost completed. Also, an all-weather swimming pool has been completed in Ambala.

The Chief Minister said that a full team of young officers had been deployed for organizing these games and they would closely monitor every competition venue so that the players would not face any problems. In these games, complete arrangements for cleanliness will be done while taking forward the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The Chief Minister added further that cultural programmes depicting Haryanvi culture would be organised in these games and during Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the tales of innumerable heroes of freedom struggle and introduction of excellent players of the state would be displayed through an exhibition so that the young generation could take inspiration from them. He said that a promotion event programme for the games would be organised in Gurugram on May 13. Union Sports Minister, Anurag Thakur lauded the commendable work done in Haryana with regard to saving girl children.

Besides this, the women players of the state have made India proud in every game held abroad. He said that in order to further increase the interest of the students towards sports we should emphasize on sports-based themes. He said that it is a matter of joy that new ideas are being suggested by the State of Haryana, thus, we should implement these new ideas in Khelo India Youth Games so that the efforts being made by the State is a subject of discussion across the country.