India added 14,545 coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours, placing its overall number at 1.06 crore cases. India also reported 163 deaths linked to the virus, taking the total number of fatalities to 1,53,032. Meanwhile, nearly 10.5 lakh people have received anti-coronavirus shots under the countrywide Covid-19 vaccination exercise. In 24 hours, 2,37,050 people were vaccinated across 4,049 sessions.
Looking at the individual state-wise tally amongst some worst-hit states, Maharashtra reported 2,779 new Covid-19 cases, 3,419 discharges, and 50 deaths in last twenty-four hours. The total cases now stand at 20,03,657, total recoveries at 19,06,827, the death toll at 50,684, and active cases at 44,926.
Delhi recorded 266 fresh coronavirus cases, and seven deaths due to the virus in the last twenty-four hours, with the positivity rate rising to 0.37%. The tally of cases stood at over 6,33,542, and the death toll mounted to 10,789. Active cases stand at 2,060.
Haryana reported five Covid-19 deaths, taking the fatality count to 3,005 even as 120 fresh cases pushed the infection tally to 2,66,939. The number of active cases in the state is 1,585, as many as 2,62,349 have so far been discharged, while the recovery rate was 98.28%.
Tamil Nadu reported 574 new coronavirus cases, 689 discharges, and eight deaths in the last 24 hours. The tally of cases stood at over 8,33,585, and the death toll due to the viral disease mounted to 12,307. Active cases stand at 5,073. Karnataka reported 324 new Covid-19 cases, 890 discharges, and three deaths. The tally of cases stood at over 9,34,576, and the death toll mounted to 12,190. Active cases stand at 6,985.
Andhra Pradesh reported 137 new coronavirus cases in the last 24 hours. The tally stood at over 8,86,694, and the death toll due to the viral disease mounted to 7,146. Ac
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