The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chandigarh has strongly criticised the behavior of MP Kirron Kher towards Dalit Chandigarh Mayor Kuldeep Kumar. AAP stated that the MP’s actions amounted to discrimination against both the mayor and the Dalit community.

Dr. SS Ahluwalia, Chairman of the Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board and co-incharge of AAP Chandigarh, emphasized in a statement released by the party that during a program at the Governor House on Tuesday, MP Kirron Kher reportedly requested the mic to be sanitized after the speech of Mayor Kuldeep Kumar. Ahluwalia asserted that such actions by Kher, a member of the BJP, reflect a longstanding anti-Dalit stance within the party and its leadership.

Ahluwalia further noted that Kher’s behavior not only insulted the mayor, who is the first citizen of Chandigarh, but also caused harm to the Dalit community. He condemned Kher’s actions as reprehensible and highlighted the persistence of such discriminatory attitudes in society. Ahluwalia demanded an immediate apology from Kirron Kher and warned that if she fails to apologize, AAP Chandigarh will initiate a protest against her and her actions.