Launching a scathing attack on his opponents for questioning the Shiv Sena’s Hindutva, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said during his Dussehra speech on Sunday that Balasaheb Thackeray’s Hindutva is not “clanging bells and utensil”. The comment came after a standoff with Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari, who questioned the CM’s stance on ‘Hindutva’ after he did not allow the reopening of religious places in the state.

“We are being questioned over Hindutva. Why? Because temples are not being opened. Such people whose name might not be known to anyone beyond their family, are asking us about Hindutva,” the Sena chief said.

“From the day I became the CM, it was being said that the state government will be toppled. They keep giving dates. I challenge and say that if you have the courage, do it and show,” Thackeray said.

The Chief Minister also took on the BJP for the free Covid vaccine promise in Bihar. “You are talking about giving free vaccines in Bihar. Is rest of the country Pakistan or Bangladesh? Those speaking like that should be ashamed of themselves. You are at the centre,” he said.

The Sushant Singh Rajput death case and Kangana Ranaut also found mentions in his speech.