As India continues to report over 10,000 Covid-19 cases over the last few days, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the country’s fight against Covid is still on, and holistic healthcare has made an impact across the globe in this fight on Sunday.“Our fight against Covid is still on, and holistic healthcare has made an impact across the globe in this fight. AYUSH is now gaining prominence worldwide, leading to an increase in AYUSH exports,” said PM Modi while addressing the monthly radio programme ‘Mann Ki Baat’.
India recorded 19,673 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, according to data shared by the Union Health Ministry on Sunday. With this fresh surge in Covid-19 cases, the country’s total cases are now at 4,40,19,811. Here, active cases stand at 1,43,676 which account for 0.33 per cent of the total cases.
PM Modi highlighted that there has been an increase in the research being done on ayurvedic plants. He said, “During Covid-19, there has been an increase in the research being done on ayurvedic plants. In July, the Indian Virtual Herbarium has been launched which has over 1 lakh specimens and scientific information about them.”
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